1. Department: Political Science
2. Designation: SACT - II
3. Date of Joining at the Present College: 16.08.2011
4. Date of Joining in the Service: 16.08.2011
5. Contact No.: 03483-255330
6. E-mail ID: swagatamasingharoy@gmail.com
7. Educational Qualification: M.A. in Political Science, M.A. in Education, B.Ed
8. NET / SET / SLET:
9. Award / Recognition Received:
Sl. No. |
Award / Recognition |
Year |
Institute / Organisation |
1. |
2. |
3. |
10. List of Publication:
A. Books:
Sl. No. |
Title of the Books |
Name of Publisher |
Vol. No./
Edn. |
Year |
Single/ Main/
Co-author/ Editor |
1. |
2. |
3. |
B. Chapter in Books/ Edited Books:
Sl. No. |
Title of Books / Edited Books |
Name of Publisher |
Title of Chapters / Articles etc. |
Vol. No./ Edn. |
Page No. |
Year |
Single/ Main/
Co-author |
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. |
2. |
3. |
C. Journals:
Sl. No. |
Title of the Journals |
Name of Publisher |
Title of Papers/ Articles etc. |
Vol. No./ Issue |
Page No. |
Year |
Single/ Main/
Co-author |
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. |
2. |
3. |
D. Seminar / Conference Proceedings:
Sl. No. |
Name of the Seminar/ Conference Proceedings |
Name of Publisher |
Title of Papers/ Articles etc. |
Vol. No./ Issue |
Page No. |
Year |
Single/ Main/
Co-author |
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. |
2. |
3. |
11. List of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. Attended:
Sl. No. |
Title of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. |
Organised by |
Year |
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. |
Higher Education in India: Challenges and Prospect |
Rani Dhanya Kumari College, Jiaganj |
2012 |
State Level |
2. |
Social Movements and Democracy in India: Towards a Practical Clarification and Theoretical Framework |
Dept. of Political Science, J.R.Mahavidyalaya, Amtala |
2016 |
College Level |
3. |
Seminar on PRE and POST NAAC Preparedness |
IQAC, Rani Dhanya Kumari College, Jiaganj |
2017 |
College Level |
4. |
Seven days Workshops on ICT Based Teaching Methodology |
IQAC, Rani Dhanya Kumari College, Jiaganj |
2017 |
College Level |
5. |
The Ideal of Secularism and Contemporary India |
Dept. of Political Science, Rani Dhanya Kumari College, Jiaganj |
2018 |
College Level |
6. |
The Introduction of Semesterized Choice Based Credit System and the course curriculum at the Under Graduate Level in Political Science |
Dept. of Political Science, Berhampore Girls’ College
2018 |
College Level |
12. List of Webinar Attended:
Sl. No. |
Title of Webinar |
Organised by |
Year |
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. |
India’s Strategic Planning: Opportunity and Challenges |
Departtment of Defence Studies, Rani Dhanya Kumari College |
26th September, 2020 |
National Level |
2. |
Impact of Yoga on Immunity and Health |
Departtment of Physical Education, Rani Dhanya Kumari College |
22nd October, 2020 |
International Level |
3. |
Sammukh samare Dragon Oirabot: Bharat China Somporker Bartaman Gotiprokiti |
IQAC & Dept. of Political Science, Maharani Kasiswari College |
2020 |
State Level |
4. |
Issues of Governance in Covid-19 Era |
IQAC& Dept.of Political Science, Bijoy Krishna Girls' College, Howrah |
2020 |
International Level |
5. |
The role of China in Post Covid world |
North Bengal Political Science Forum |
2020 |
State Level |
6. |
Public Policy and Governance in Indian Context |
IQAC& Dept.of Political Science, Ranaghat College |
2020 |
National (Webinar) |
13. Completed / Ongoing Research Project:
Sl. No. |
Minor / Major Research Project |
Title of the Project |
Completed / Ongoing |
Duration |
Sponsoring Agency |
1. |
2. |
3. |
14. List of Training Courses / Programmes Attended:
Sl. No. |
Training Courses / Programmes |
Duration |
Organised by |
1. |
2. |
3. |
15 List of Paper Presentation:
Sl. No. |
Title of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. |
Title of Paper |
Organised by |
Year |
Single / Main / Co-author |
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. |
Saturday Seminar |
The Ideal of Secularism & Contemporary India |
RDK College |
2018 |
College level |
2. |
Women & Society |
The Role Differentiation in Domestic Work |
Nur Mohammad Smriti Mahavidyalaya |
2019 |
Co-author |
International |
3. |
16. Invited Lectures / Chairing Session:
Sl. No. |
Title of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. |
Organised by |
Year |
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. |
2. |
3. |
17. Others (if any): |