Sl. No. | Award / Recognition | Year | Institute / Organisation |
1. | 1st class 2nd in M.A. (Economics) | 1999 | University of North Bengal |
2. | Junior Research Fellow | 2000 | University Grants Commission |
3. |
Sl. No. | Title of the Books | Name of Publisher |
Vol. No./ Edn. |
Year | ISSN/ ISBN No. |
Single/ Main/ Co-author/ Editor |
1. | Basundhara | Principal, Rani Dhanya Kumari College | Vol. 2 | 2020 |
ISBN: 978-81-948911-2-3 |
Co-Editor |
2. | Basundhara | Principal, Rani Dhanya Kumari College | Vol. 3 | 2022 | ISBN: 978-81-957675-0-2 | Co-Editor |
3. |
Sl. No. | Title of the Books / Edited Books | Name of Publisher | Title of Books / Articles etc. | Vol. No./ Edn. | Page No. | Year | ISSN/ ISBN No. |
Single/ Main/ Co-author |
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. | Basundhara | Principal, Rani Dhanya Kumari College | The Pessimistic and Optimistic View of Population Growth | Vol. 1 | 337-341 | 2018 |
ISBN: 978-81-936881-0-6 |
Single | National Level |
2. | |||||||||
3. |
Sl. No. | Title of the Journals | Title of the Articles |
Vol. No./ Issue |
Page No. | Year | ISSN/ ISBN No. |
Single/ Main/ Co-author |
Whether peer Reviewed. Impact factor, if any |
1. | International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies (IJHSSS) | Occupational Health Hazard of Female Beedi Workers in Rural West Bengal: A Case Study | Vol.- VII, Issue - II | 98-107 | March, 2021 | e-ISSN: 2349-6959 p-ISSN: 2349-6711 | Single |
Peer Reviewed. Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019, InfoBase Index: 3.24 DOI:10.29032/ijhsss.v6.i4.2020.1-8 |
2. | Journal of Education and Development | Impact of Mid Day Meal Scheme on Enrollment and Dropout on Primary Education in West Bengal: A Case Study |
Vol. 11, No. 21 |
170-177 | June, 2021 | p-ISSN: 2248-9703 | Single |
Peer Reviewed. Impact Factor: SJIF: 6.626 |
3. | Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences | Choice of Place of Delivery during COVID-19 Pandemic: Observation from a Community-Based Survey in Rural India |
Vol. 8, Issue. 4 |
237-242 | October - December, 2021 | e-ISSN: 2349-0659 p-ISSN: 2350-0964 | Co-author |
UGC Care Journal DOI:10.21276/apjhs.2021.8.4.48 |
4. | International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies (IJHSSS) | A Study on Impact of Remittances on Household Expenditure in West Bengal | Vol.- IX, Issue - I | 76-85 | Jan, 2023 | e-ISSN: 2349-6959 p-ISSN: 2349-6711 | Single |
Peer Reviewed. Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019, InfoBase Index: 3.24 DOI:10.29032/ijhsss.v9.i1.2023.76-85 |
Sl. No. | Title of the Seminar / Conference Proceeding | Name of Publisher | Title of Books / Articles etc. |
Vol. No. |
Page No. | Year | ISSN/ ISBN No. |
Single/ Main/ Co-author |
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. | |||||||||
2. | |||||||||
3. |
Sl. No. | Title of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. | Organised by | Year | International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. | Role of Civil Society | Department of Political Science & History, Muralidhar Girls’ College | 8-9th September, 2011 | UGC sponsored National Seminar |
2. | West Bengal Economy: Shifting Paradigm | Department of Economics, Charuchandra College, Kolkata | 9th September, 2011 | UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar |
3. | Department of Bengali, Muralidhar Girls’ College | 20-21st September, 2011 | UGC sponsored National Seminar | |
4. | Rabindra Nather Shiksha Chintar Prasangikota | Department of Education, Muralidhar Girls’ College | 11– 12th November, 2011 | UGC Sponsored International Seminar |
5. | Department of Economics, Muralidhar Girls’ College | 4th January, 2012 | UGC Sponsored International Seminar | |
6. | Regional Issues Concerning Development and Women in development | Department of Economics, University of North Bengal | 21st March, 2013 | UGC sponsored National Seminar |
7. | 19th University – Level Workshop on Research Methodology and Application | Department of Economics, University of North Bengal | 22nd March, 2013 | UGC (SAP) DRS – II |
8. | Workshop on Research Methodology and Application | Department of Economics, University of North Bengal | 22nd March, 2013 | University Level |
9. | Environmental Interface: An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Sustainable Development | Muralidhar Girls’ College | 3rd May, 2013 | UGC Sponsored International Seminar |
10. | Adventure Sorts and Nature Study: Mountain for the Millions | Muralidhar Girls’ College | 16th September, 2014 | College Sponsored |
11. | Consumer Awareness and Protection | Muralidhar Girls’ College | 11th November, 2014 | College Sponsored |
12. | Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS | Muralidhar Girls’ College | 18th November, 2014 | College Sponsored |
13. | The Importance of Swami Vivekananda in Indian Socio-political and Legal Aspects in the Twenty-first Century | South Calcutta Law College, Kolkata | 2–3rd December, 2014 | UGC sponsored National Seminar |
14. | Trends in Contemporary Indian Historical Studies: Crisis and Transition | Mahadevananda Mahavidyalaya | 20th December, 2014 | National seminar |
15. | Challenges to 21st Century | UGC – Human Resource Development Centre, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand | 15–16th May, 2015 | National seminar |
16. | Global economic Crisis: Impact, Lessons and Recovery | Department of Economics, Ramkrishna Mission Vidyamandira | 29th August, 2015 | UGC sponsored National Seminar |
17. | Empowerment of Women in Post-independence India | Department of Economics, Muralidhar Girls’ College | 2nd February, 2016 | UGC sponsored State Level Seminar |
18. | Panopticon Media from a Sociological and Psychological Perspective | Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Muralidhar Girls’ College | 3rd February, 2016 | UGC sponsored State Level Seminar |
19. | Ethics in Epics | Department of Philosophy, Muralidhar Girls’ College | 4th February, 2016 | UGC sponsored State Level Seminar |
20. | Value Education Through Rabindra Sangeet | Department of Education, Muralidhar Girls’ College | 5th February, 2016 | UGC sponsored State Level Seminar |
21. | Sundarbans – The Endangered Ecosystem | Department of Botany, Muralidhar Girls’ College | 6th February, 2016 | UGC sponsored State Level Seminar |
22. | Seven-Day Workshop on ICT Based Teaching Methodology From | IQAC, Rani Dhanya Kumari College, Jiaganj, Murshidabad, W.B. | 20-27th March, 2017 | College Level |
23 | GST: The New Law in India and its Compliance | Department of Commerce, D.N.C. College | 11th September, 2017 |
State Level Seminar |
Sl. No. | Title of Webinar | Organised by | Year | International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. | India’s Strategic Planning: Opportunity and Challenges | Departtment of Defence Studies, Rani Dhanya Kumari College | 26th September, 2020 | National Level |
2. | Impact of Yoga on Immunity and Health | Departtment of Physical Education, Rani Dhanya Kumari College | 22nd October, 2020 | International Level |
3. |
Sl. No. | Minor / Major Research Project | Title of the Project | Completed / Ongoing | Duration | Sponsoring Agency |
1. | |||||
2. | |||||
3. |
Sl. No. | Training Courses / Programmes | Duration | Organised by |
1. | 17th Orientation Programme | 26.02.2014 to 25.03.2014 | UGC-HRDC, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling, West Bengal |
2. | Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Social Sciences (ID) | 06.05.2015 to 26.05.2015 |
UGC-HRDC, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttatakhand |
3. | Refresher Course in Economics | 03.12.2018 to 22.12.2018 | UGC-HRDC, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan |
Sl. No. | Title of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. | Title of Paper | Organised by | Year | Single / Main / Co-author | International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. | ||||||
2. | ||||||
3. |
Sl. No. | Title of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. | Organised by | Year | International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level |
1. | ||||
2. | ||||
3. |