1. Department: ECONOMICS
3. Date of Joining at the Present College: 01.12.2016
4. Date of Joining in the Service: 16.04.2010
5. Contact No.: 03483-255330
6. E-mail ID:
7. Educational Qualification: M.A. in Economics
8. NET / SET / SLET: NET     

9. Award / Recognition Received:
Sl. No. Award / Recognition Year Institute / Organisation
1. 1st class 2nd in M.A. (Economics) 1999 University of North Bengal
2. Junior Research Fellow 2000 University Grants Commission

10. List of Publication:
     A. Books:

Sl. No. Title of the Books Name of Publisher Vol. No./
Year ISSN/ ISBN No. Single/ Main/
Co-author/ Editor
1. Basundhara Principal, Rani Dhanya Kumari College Vol. 2 2020 ISBN:
2. Basundhara Principal, Rani Dhanya Kumari College Vol. 3 2022 ISBN: 978-81-957675-0-2 Co-Editor

     B. Chapter in Books/ Article in Edited Books:
Sl. No. Title of the Books / Edited Books Name of Publisher Title of Books / Articles etc. Vol. No./ Edn. Page No. Year ISSN/ ISBN No. Single/ Main/
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level
1. Basundhara Principal, Rani Dhanya Kumari College The Pessimistic and Optimistic View of Population Growth Vol. 1 337-341 2018 ISBN:
Single National Level

     C. Journals:
Sl. No. Title of the Journals Title of the Articles Vol. No./
Page No. Year ISSN/ ISBN No. Single/ Main/
Whether peer
Reviewed. Impact
factor, if any
1. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies (IJHSSS) Occupational Health Hazard of Female Beedi Workers in Rural West Bengal: A Case Study Vol.- VII, Issue - II 98-107 March, 2021 e-ISSN: 2349-6959 p-ISSN: 2349-6711 Single Peer Reviewed.
Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019, 
InfoBase Index: 3.24
2. Journal of Education and Development Impact of Mid Day Meal Scheme on Enrollment and Dropout on Primary Education in West Bengal: A Case Study Vol. 11,
No. 21
170-177 June, 2021 p-ISSN: 2248-9703 Single Peer Reviewed.
Impact Factor:
SJIF: 6.626

3. Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences Choice of Place of Delivery during COVID-19 Pandemic: Observation from a Community-Based Survey in Rural India Vol. 8,
Issue. 4
237-242 October - December, 2021 e-ISSN: 2349-0659 p-ISSN: 2350-0964 Co-author UGC Care Journal

4. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies (IJHSSS) A Study on Impact of Remittances on Household Expenditure in West Bengal Vol.- IX, Issue - I 76-85 Jan, 2023 e-ISSN: 2349-6959 p-ISSN: 2349-6711 Single Peer Reviewed.
Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019, 
InfoBase Index: 3.24

     D. Seminar / Conference Proceedings:
Sl. No. Title of the Seminar / Conference Proceeding Name of Publisher Title of Books / Articles etc. Vol.
Page No. Year ISSN/ ISBN No. Single/ Main/
International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level

11. List of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. Attended:
Sl. No. Title of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. Organised by Year International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level
1. Role of Civil Society Department of Political Science & History, Muralidhar Girls’ College 8-9th September, 2011 UGC sponsored National Seminar
2. West Bengal Economy: Shifting Paradigm Department of Economics, Charuchandra College, Kolkata 9th September, 2011 UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar
3.   Department of Bengali, Muralidhar Girls’ College 20-21st September, 2011 UGC sponsored National Seminar
4. Rabindra Nather Shiksha Chintar Prasangikota Department of Education, Muralidhar Girls’ College 11– 12th November, 2011 UGC Sponsored International Seminar
5.   Department of Economics, Muralidhar Girls’ College 4th January, 2012 UGC Sponsored International Seminar
6. Regional Issues Concerning Development and Women in development Department of Economics, University of North Bengal 21st March, 2013 UGC sponsored National Seminar
7. 19th University – Level Workshop on Research Methodology and Application Department of Economics, University of North Bengal 22nd March, 2013 UGC (SAP) DRS – II
8. Workshop on Research Methodology and Application Department of Economics, University of North Bengal 22nd March, 2013 University Level
9. Environmental Interface: An Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Sustainable Development Muralidhar Girls’ College 3rd May, 2013 UGC Sponsored International Seminar
10. Adventure Sorts and Nature Study: Mountain for the Millions Muralidhar Girls’ College 16th September, 2014 College Sponsored
11. Consumer Awareness and Protection Muralidhar Girls’ College 11th November, 2014 College Sponsored
12. Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS Muralidhar Girls’ College 18th November, 2014 College Sponsored
13. The Importance of Swami Vivekananda in Indian Socio-political and Legal Aspects in the Twenty-first Century South Calcutta Law College, Kolkata 2–3rd December, 2014 UGC sponsored National Seminar
14. Trends in Contemporary Indian Historical Studies: Crisis and Transition Mahadevananda Mahavidyalaya 20th December, 2014 National seminar
15. Challenges to 21st Century UGC – Human Resource Development Centre, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand 15–16th May, 2015 National seminar
16. Global economic Crisis: Impact, Lessons and Recovery Department of Economics, Ramkrishna Mission Vidyamandira 29th August, 2015 UGC sponsored National Seminar
17. Empowerment of Women in Post-independence India Department of Economics, Muralidhar Girls’ College 2nd February, 2016 UGC sponsored State Level Seminar
18. Panopticon Media from a Sociological and Psychological Perspective Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Muralidhar Girls’ College 3rd February, 2016 UGC sponsored State Level Seminar
19. Ethics in Epics Department of Philosophy, Muralidhar Girls’ College 4th February, 2016 UGC sponsored State Level Seminar
20. Value Education Through Rabindra Sangeet Department of Education, Muralidhar Girls’ College 5th February, 2016 UGC sponsored State Level Seminar
21. Sundarbans – The Endangered Ecosystem Department of Botany, Muralidhar Girls’ College 6th February, 2016 UGC sponsored State Level Seminar
22. Seven-Day Workshop on ICT Based Teaching Methodology From IQAC, Rani Dhanya Kumari College, Jiaganj, Murshidabad, W.B. 20-27th March, 2017 College Level
23 GST: The New Law in India and its Compliance Department of Commerce, D.N.C. College 11th September, 2017 State Level Seminar

12. List of Webinar Attended:
Sl. No. Title of Webinar Organised by Year International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level
1. India’s Strategic Planning: Opportunity and Challenges Departtment of Defence Studies, Rani Dhanya Kumari College 26th September, 2020 National Level
2. Impact of Yoga on Immunity and Health Departtment of Physical Education, Rani Dhanya Kumari College 22nd October, 2020 International Level

13. Completed / Ongoing Research Project:
Sl. No. Minor / Major Research Project Title of the Project Completed / Ongoing Duration Sponsoring Agency

14. List of Training Courses / Programmes Attended:
Sl. No. Training Courses / Programmes Duration Organised by
1. 17th Orientation Programme 26.02.2014 to 25.03.2014 UGC-HRDC, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling, West Bengal
2. Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Social Sciences (ID) 06.05.2015 to 26.05.2015 UGC-HRDC, Kumaun University,
Nainital, Uttatakhand
3. Refresher Course in Economics 03.12.2018 to 22.12.2018 UGC-HRDC, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan

15. List of Paper Presentation:
Sl. No. Title of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. Title of Paper Organised by Year Single / Main / Co-author International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level

16. Invited Lectures / Chairing Session:
Sl. No. Title of Seminar / Conference / Workshop / Symposia etc. Organised by Year International / National / State / Regional / College / University Level

17. Others (if any):
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